Just want to give a little something back to the community...
I notice that a lot more products are being hosted on Amazon S3 servers these days. And I've also noticed that a *ton* of people don't protect their S3 files properly and they end being exposed to the public if you know where to look.
So I created this little program (Windows only) that checks an S3 bucket to see if its contents are exposed and lets you download them if they are.
It's pretty basic... but it works. And I've been surprised at how many things I can download once I've got the root S3 name.
For example, everybody seems to be talking about the new Delta Squadron info-product. Surprise... it's all publicly available on their S3 site (media.deltasquadron.com). Try it out.
There are tons of sites left open like this.
Anyways, download my S3 Ripper and enjoy. If you've got feedback or suggestions I'd love to hear them... good, bad, or otherwise.

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