Dear Online Entrepreneur,
FORGET EVERYTHING you've read about making money online...
•It's not easy.
•You won't become a millionaire over night.
•There are no "fully-automated" or "turn-key" systems
Unfortunately, people selling "get rich quick" products don't want you to hear this. They want you to think that you can build your own "copy and paste" dot-com empire in just "5 minutes a day".
It's easier for these self-proclaimed gurus to sell HOPE-IN-A-BOX than it is to sell realistic expectations.
If you arrived at this site hoping to get rich quick or buy a magic success pill, I have bad news - I'm fresh out. But don't worry... there are thousands of huckster's online who are ready to take your money.
If you're still reading this you're more serious about making money than the guy who just hit the back button. If this is the case, and you understand that success requires time and hard work, then the Black Ink Project is exactly what you're looking for.
You Can Succeed, But You Need to be Realistic
While it’s possible to make a substantial income as an affiliate, it’s unrealistic to think you can go from $0 to six-figure-success in minutes a day or from buying some automated money-making system.
Don't get me wrong, some of these products are good, but most aren't worth the paper they're printed on. More time is invested in the product marketing and sales letter than the training material.
The fact is most of these gurus don't care if you succeed, as long as you have enough money on your credit card to buy their latest product.
The Truth About Making Money Online
Based on my experience and observations, only a small percentage (less than 10%) of new affiliates ever go on to make any money. Even fewer go on to quit their jobs or become super affiliates.
There are a number of reasons new affiliates don’t make it. Here are few of the most common:
•Unrealistic expectations
•Too much time learning and not enough time doing - Most are anxious to learn, but few actually create and execute a well thought out plan.
•Failure to research markets and understand customers
•Lack of skills - You don’t have to be a graphic designer or have a degree in computer science, but a basic understanding of how to build and manage websites - or - knowing how to outsource goes a long way.
There’s no shortage of blogs, forums, or books to help you get started in this business. These learning materials serve as a great guide and reference, but without a step-by-step plan they’re not very useful.
The Best Way to Learn Affiliate Marketing
In order to become proficient in any skill you must first learn, then do, and repeat. This cycle of continuous improvement is what makes you successful.
Most resources and guides help you learn, but few show you exactly how to do.
What is the Black Ink Project?
In accounting, the term "black ink" (or operating in the black) is used to refer to a company that is profitable. On the flip side, when a company loses money they’re said to be operating in the red.
The Black Ink Project will show you how to bridge the gap between learning and building a profitable affiliate business. With 16 hands-on lessons you'll see exactly what it takes to design, develop, and market a successful affiliate site.
The Black Ink Project will help you get over the hump by focusing on the areas where most new and experienced affiliates fail.
The project will help you:
•Set realistic goals, based on your time and budget.
•Find a niche that you can succeed with
•Create a business plan so that you can evaluate opportunities without wasting too much time, energy, and money
•Develop and launch a campaign from start to finish. At the end of the course, you’ll have a complete action plan and checklist that you can use for future projects.
•Learn the applications and tools that will help you create and manage your affiliate business.
The Black Ink Project is a step-by-step video course that will show you how to plan, build, and market a profitable affiliate site from the ground up.
What Will I Learn? What Does the Course Include?
The Black Ink Project (version 2.0) is comprised of 16 hands-on training sessions. Here's an overview of the course and what you'll learn:
Session 1 - How to Test Your Niche
Picking the right niche is critical. Learn what factors you need to consider before getting started in a new niche.
You'll learn how to find the best opportunities by learning how to analyze opportunities, prospects, and the competition.
Session 2 - Develop a Successful Business Plan
In this session I show you the 10 step process I use to create business plans for my affiliate sites.
After watching this session you'll have everything you need to create a rock solid plan for your site.
Session 3 - Content Planning
You've probably heard the expression "content is king". Everyone understands the value of good content, but most have a hard time planning and creating high quality content for their site. In this session you'll learn the 7-step process I use to gather content ideas for my sites. I'll then show you how to create a high level outline so you can start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
Session 4 - Creating a Site Blueprint
In this session you'll learn how to create a blueprint for your affiliate site. Just like every other Black Ink Project session you'll learn with REAL examples...
In addition to the video I've created 16 web templates, and a sitemap that you can use on your site.
Session 5 - Professional Web Design for a Fraction of the Price
In Session 5 you'll learn how to leverage the power of outsourcing to get a professionally designed template for your website. Find out how to attract the most talented web designers to your project at rock bottom prices.
Session 6 - How to Design an Attractive Site
In this session I show you the step by step process for creating a beautiful web design. You'll be looking over my shoulder as I take our page template and convert it to a professional design.
I've also created a universal design template that you can use on your own affiliate sites.
Session 7 - Building a Professional Site (Part 1 of 2)
In Session 7 you'll learn how to convert a site design into a fully functional website. You'll be looking over my shoulder as I construct a professional web page from the ground up. You'll see every step required to construct your own site. In addition to the video I've provided the complete source code used in the example.
Session 8 - Building a Professional Site (Part 2 of 2)
In this session you're going to learn how to build re-usable templates to save valuable time and make your site easy to maintain. The lessons in this video build on Session 7. You'll be looking over my shoulder as I create the template that will be used throughout the site.
Session 9 - Installing a WordPress Blog (Part 1)
In this session I give you step-by-step instructions for setting up and customizing a Wordpress blog on your site. You'll discover how to have a blog up and running on your own site in less than 15 minutes.
Session 10 - Customizing a WordPress Blog (Part 2)
Session 10 will show you how to build a custom blog design for your affiliate site. Most site owners don't take the time to make their blog match their main site - this can make you look like a total amateur. With a custom blog theme you will be able to rise above the competition with a seamless blog design that matches your site.
Session 11 - Outsourcing Web Projects
Thanks to outsourcing you don't need to know the technical details of designing and constructing a website to succeed as an affiliate. You can create a professional site with a modest budget by outsourcing your web project.
Even if you do have the time, money, and skills, you may find outsourcing produces better results, and allows you to focus on the things you're truly good at like writing content, finding keywords, or managing pay per click campaigns.
Session 12 - Finding Profitable Keywords
In this session I pull back the curtain on my most valuable keyword research strategies. I'll show you how to build a laser targeted list of keywords that convert. You'll also discover the tools I use to harvest my competitors keywords and how I estimate the value of each keyword.
Session 13 - Setting Up and Optimizing Pay Per Click Campaigns
Session 13 will show you how to setup and organize a successful pay per click campaigns. You'll learn why campaign structure is so important, and how it can help you increase your click-through rate and lower your costs. I've also uploaded some supplemental files that you can use to calculate the profitability of your own campaigns.
Session 14 - How to Build High Converting Landing Pages
This session is a step-by-step tutorial showing you how to create highly relevant and customized landing pages for your pay per click campaigns. In addition to the instructional videos I uploaded several supporting files that you can use to create your own
custom landing pages.
Session 15 - Optimizing Your Website and Campaign
Learn how to analyze and optimize your website for maximum profits. In this session you'll learn how small changes to your site can make a big difference to your bottom line.
How is the Training Delivered?
Each Black Ink Project session is provided in three high quality video formats:
Downloadable Windows Media Files - ideal for Windows users
Downloadable Movie Files for Apple - works seamlessly on the Mac
Downloadable iPod movie format - watch the sessions on the go!
Each session also comes bundled with supplemental training material to help you reinforce what you learn in the videos. You'll be able to keep all of the worksheets, sample files, and source code used in these examples.
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